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Women's Business Center of Northern Virginia

10-WBC Registering Your Business 4/20/21

Tue, Apr 20 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Topic: Start-up Assistance

Registering Your Business

Led by an Attorney - Registering Your Business walks you through steps that are needed and outlines processes of becoming a legal business entity. This workshop guides you through legal entity forms, and federal, state and local registrations as our instructor explains the benefits and drawbacks of choosing from the various entity structures and how to actually start a business while also addressing intellectual property matters for business owners and other legal questions relating to contracts and legal business matters.

Join us, virtually, for this informative session! Webinar link and details provided upon registration.
IMPORTANT: It is best viewed on a desktop, or screen larger than a smartphone (i.e. iPad, etc.).Please log in on time for this webinar.


-Participants whose checks are returned for insufficient funds will be charged a $35 fee.

-Participants who have paid for a class and do not cancel at least 24 hours in advance, will forfeit their entire payment.

-Participants wishing to receive a refund and have cancelled in a timely manner will be charged a 10% administrative fee.

Speaker(s): Rebecca Geller, Esq.

To register & for more information visit

Fee: No Cost

Association of Women's Business Centers

U.S. Small Business Administration

Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.
All opinions, conclusions, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

Site Content © 2025, WBC of Northern Virginia